ALGUNOS ARTICULOS SOBRE LA BI(G)MED PUBLICADOS POR EBMA, "Asociación Europea de Medicina Bio Inmuno-Genética".
- How Nanotherapy Fails SARS-CoV-2: The BI(G)MED Experience. Clinical Immunology & Research.Glady Gilbert and Bahi-Jaber Narges
- How to Control Covid-19 with a Nanobiotherapy?. International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Research. Dr. Glady Gilbert. Research Article. I J Infectious Diseases.
- Bio Immune(G)ene Medicine and the Use of miRNAs to regulate the cell. Drs. M. Carme Parés & Gilbert Glady.
- Clinical efficacy of implementing Bio Immune(G)ene MEDicine in the treatment of chronic asthma with the objective of reducing or removing effectively corticosteroid therapy: A novel approach and promising results. Dr. Gilbert Glady.
- BI(G)MED as a very novel method based on oral inmunogenetic therapy to prevent and treat allergic diseases especially asthma.
- Epstein - Barr virus Reactivation Associated with an Increased Thymidine Kinase and Normalized by an Immuno Modulatory Nano-Therapy: Three Case Reports.
- Therapeutic Use of MicroRNAs to Prevent and Control Allergic Rhinosinusitis.
- Epstein – Barr Virus Associated with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Treated with a Novel Nanobiological Therapy Based on Micro RNAs: A Case Report.